My Blog Has Moved!

Whilst this blog may have only been active a few months, I’ve really enjoyed blogging over here at and I managed to publish quite a few posts which I hope you enjoyed reading.

Since I started writing over here I found a love for blogging & have decided to take it a step further by setting up a blog on my own domain name away from which will allow me to customize things that little bit more. (Though I’ll still be using the WordPress platform of course!).

So for those of you who did enjoy reading my posts, feel free to join me over at my home which can be found at If you haven’t visited my blog before and have just happened to stumble across this page then you can also feel free to check my blog out! I have a strong interest in web development & online marketing so that will be the main focus of my posts however I often write about my personal life too (oh and cycling, I love cycling!).

Once again, the new URL is – I hope to see you over there!